Petersburg Church of Christ
Muscle and a Shovel Online Study
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CH 26 Muscle and a Shovel
Gospel Meetings
What Does Your Bible Say
The Crucifixion of Jesus
Find your answers in Matthew 21; 26–27; Mark 14–16; Luke 22–23; John 18–19
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What Jewish feast was being celebrated when Christ was crucified?
What animal did Jesus ride when He entered Jerusalem?
On what hill was Jesus crucified?
Which disciple cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant?
What was the name of that high priest’s servant?
How many times did Peter deny Christ?
How many pieces of silver did Judas receive for betraying Jesus?
How did Judas identify Jesus to the soldiers?
Judas later returned the money to the priests. Then what did he do?
. The priests took that money and did what with it?
Who was surprisingly released before Pontius Pilate sentenced Jesus to death?
What man was compelled to carry Jesus’ cross after Him?
What were the names of Simon of Cyrene’s two sons?
What was Jesus offered to drink as He was crucified?
What did the inscription above Jesus say?
. In what languages was the superscription written?
What did the Roman soldier say concerning Christ?
. What happened in the temple as a sign that Jesus’ death had opened the way to God?
How long did the darkness last while Jesus was on the cross?
Who was a secret disciple, and what other man came to Jesus at night early in His ministry to ask a question?
Who was the first person to see the risen Christ?